How to make dough less sticky without flour?

It's frustrating when your dough gets sticky and messy  when you have some party or get together planned around. This doesn't mean that there is something wrong with the recipe but more oftenly means that the dough is not handled properly

Handling the dough 

The dough varies in texture as everyone has their own way of kneading and punching the dough before letting  it rise. The dough should get twice as much of its orignal size after the first rise. Remember that you do not have to let the dough grow bigger more than that because by doing so it can tear the gluten , that's why it is very important to avoid kneading  the dough after it's first rise because the dough has already rose so much that you don't want to undo the whole process

How to handle sticky and messy dough with least amount of flour?

      Now , note that it is okay if your dough is too sticky after the first rise. Keep adding flour a bit every time  with your palms and don't forget to keep your  fingertips dusted with flour to avoid unnecessary dough from sticking out until you get your desired texture of the dough.  The main reason why people tend to get different dough is not because of the ingredients but the way they handle and knead the dough and for the time span depending on humidity in your particular area,  so you need to be patient and use your fingers and palm gently to knead your dough across your workspace and not constantly poking and stretching your dough like a animal.

It's ok if your dough is too sticky , which can be always corrected by dusting flour from top to bottom and kneading gently until it gets sticky again  instead of adding water into a dry dough which will only make the situation messy if you don't add the right amount of water.


Mixing the dough for the proper 
The texture of your dough is already fated depending on what you do with you do with the dough before the second rise . If it's still very stick and messy after second rise then there isn't much you can do but dust it with more flour and try to shape it properly before keeping it into the oven.

The most important part I say to everyone who want to make their  dough is to be patient  while kneading because on a general basis it takes about 20-25 minutes for an ideal dough followed by gentle massaging and folding in rhythm.

Proper shaping technique 

Note- Don't dust the side of dough facing infront of you.

Begin with dusting the workspace with flour to fix the sticky dough during the folding process. 

After folding the dough in a shape of roll shown above , tuck those sides to provide more tension and dust the remaining flour gently on top of the dough.

My first mistakes while making dough as a beginner:

1. Not measuring dough ingredients accurately.

2. Humidity level of your workspace

3. Adding too much water at the beginning:

4. Using Cold water( Always use warm water)
      It's not that cold water is bad for your dough, but depends on your need at most times. If it's making one for your recipes e.g. pizza for protecting yeasts lukewarm water works the best.

Know your Flour

You see people go crazy around internet speaking about  hydration level but what  they don't tell you is that for the most part the amount of water the  dough  absorbs depends on the type of flour you use.

Mixing some wholewheat into your Flour leads to your dough absorbing more water making it sticky. So it's recommended that you add 60gm of water per 100gm of flour. 

Hence the more protein your dough has the more tendency it has to absorb liquid.


As explained it's not only by adding flour but with proper kneading and folding skills for 15 to 20 minutes you will be able to manage the stickiness of the dough.

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